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Susie combines techniques that allows the body's energy systems to be resynchronized so they can operate as nature intended. When a body is operating at its optimal level, each system, cell, and atom is in constant communicaton with each other at all times. Through exposure to the stresses of a day-to-day life.

These lines of communication can become compromised, which can lead to a decline in physical, emotional, and/ or mental health. Reconnecting this lines of communication enables the body's mechanisms to function at optimal levels, thus preventing disease and rapidly accelerating the healing process.
These techniques encompasses: Western Medicine, the energy dynamic of Acupunture, Osteopathic and Chiropractic Philosophy, Applied Kinesiology
and the insights of modern Physics and Mathematics


Guided by the body's Innate Wisdom addresses many conditions and injuries; such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, stress, pain, digestive disorders, allergies, infections, viruses, sport injuries, emotional disorders, phobias, and much more.

TBM (Total Body Modification)


Is a technique that is used to find the organ or area of the body that is stressed and correct the problem by restoring balance of the nervous system.


TBM addresses and corrects Functional Physiology (how the body works). It allows the power that made the body, correct the body and allow it to heal.


Each brain is the primary control for both branches of the nervous systems: Central and Autonomic. Sensory fibers carry messages to the brain where they are processed, and the brain, tells the body what to do. Under stress, the neurons in the brain centers, which are controlling the stressed organ or body part, essentially depolarize. The message gets to the brain, but fails to return, then the brain losses effective control over the afflicted organ or body part.


This can be corrected by stimulating the neurons in the brain to re-polarize and allow the brain to regain control of the body and guide it back to health.



NMT  (NeuroModulation)


Rapidly restores the Body's Inherent Capacity to Heal  and trains the Control Systems of the body to correct the causes of disease in a natural way.


NMT is a way of identifying those informational errors that exist in the body's control system and to efficiently train this control system toward physical regulatory behaviors that re-create wellness.

The human body was designed to exist in a state of wellness; disease comes in a form of confusion within the body's internal control center, referred to in NMT as the Autonomic Control System (ACS).

Some conditions in which informational errors produce disease are allergy and autoimmune disease, pain, toxic and infectious agents, and emotional conditions.


NMT (NeuroModulation )rapidly restores the Body's Inherent Capacity to Heal  and trains the Control Systems of the body to correct the causes of disease in a natural way.


NMT is a way of identifying those informational errors that exist in the body's control system and to efficiently train this control system toward physical regulatory behaviors that re-create wellness.

The human body was designed to exist in a state of wellness; disease comes in a form of confusion within the body's internal control center, referred to in NMT as the Autonomic Control System (ACS).

Some conditions in which informational errors produce disease are allergy and autoimmune disease, pain, toxic and infectious agents, and emotional conditions.


NMT (NeuroModulation )rapidly restores the Body's Inherent Capacity to Heal  and trains the Control Systems of the body to correct the causes of disease in a natural way.


NMT is a way of identifying those informational errors that exist in the body's control system and to efficiently train this control system toward physical regulatory behaviors that re-create wellness.

The human body was designed to exist in a state of wellness; disease comes in a form of confusion within the body's internal control center, referred to in NMT as the Autonomic Control System (ACS).

Some conditions in which informational errors produce disease are allergy and autoimmune disease, pain, toxic and infectious agents, and emotional conditions.


KST (Koren Specific Technique)


Specifically and accurately analyze and correct subluxations/disharmony anywhere in the body and body/mind: the entire structural system including the spine, cranial/facial/TMJ complex, pectoral and pelvic girdles, sternum, discs, extremities, glands, valves and internal organs.


Other issues that can be addressed include dental issues, allergies, toxicity, dehydration, emotional stress, visual problems as well as many others.


TBM (Total Body Modification)


Is a technique that is used to find the organ or area of the body that is stressed and correct the problem by restoring balance of the nervous system.


TBM addresses and corrects Functional Physiology (how the body works). It allows the power that made the body, correct the body and allow it to heal.


Each brain is the primary control for both branches of the nervous systems: Central and Autonomic. Sensory fibers carry messages to the brain where they are processed, and the brain, tells the body what to do. Under stress, the neurons in the brain centers, which are controlling the stressed organ or body part, essentially depolarize. The message gets to the brain, but fails to return, then the brain losses effective control over the afflicted organ or body part.


This can be corrected by stimulating the neurons in the brain to re-polarize and allow the brain to regain control of the body and guide it back to health.


NHS (Natural Healing System)


Based also, on the premise of Functional Physiology. The body has its own inherent healing capacity, this system supports the body's ability to completely integrate all physiological systems at their intended capacity and function.


Integrated physiological function is based on the communication capacity of

the entire nervous system. The stresses and trauma the body experiences or has been exposed to will compromise this communication.


Through the use of muscle testing (MT) with body points and/or vials, NHS detects imbalances in the body and then corrects these by providing the body with electromagnetic data streams of information that will restore communication and functions.


Biospect Ultra


An energy and overal health evaluation devise, analyzes or scans parts of the body (skeleton, organs, tissue, cells, etc) to determine the soundness of their structures and function.


It enables accurate: Analysis of changes in the biological terrain tending toward a pathological condition. Correction by means of bio-resonance. Development of personalized frequency media and remedies. Monitoring of the effectiveness of therapies and reemedies.


The two major principles that govern this operation are:


1. Biofeedback, the device produces electromagnetic signals that resonate with the targeted biological system.


2. Non-linear system (NLS), based on spectral analysis of the magnetic fields emanating from biological tissue.

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